$25.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases
  • By purchasing this I acknowledge that it is non-refundable.
  • I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions.
  • I understand that if I choose not to sign up for the email list then I am NOT going to receive valuable information about my course including dates and times for live calls if I have access to Live Support.


Within our Lantern tier you have access to:

  • Access to one monthly zoom for LIVE Office Hours with Melisa Nielsen.

  • Gathering Replays 
  • Full Length Podcasts 

  • Beacon Files Archive
    (40+ hours of inner work content)

  • BizSchooling Videos : for all our families homeschooling and running a business.

  • Meditation Series : introduction to mediation, meditation for the parent, and meditation for the child.