Welcome to Auriel's Light!
Reverence, enthusiasm, and a sense of guardianship, these three are actually the panacea, the magical remedy, in the soul of the educator and teacher. — Rudolf Steiner
What is Auriel's Light and how did it come about?
We believe at our core that the strength of a family lies in the stewardship it holds for one another. That stewardship begins with conscious parenting and continues with a conscious education. We brought together the strengths of our parent coaching and Steiner centered education so that we can truly teach others to " Receive the children in reverence; educate them in love; let them go forth in freedom" as Rudolf Steiner asked.

Conscious Parenting
Keeping ourselves and our family emotionally healthy and happy is no easy task in today's world. There are distractions everywhere. Being a partner + parent + spiritual leader for our family can seem like an insurmountable task. At Auriel's Light we walk with you in this journey, supporting your path.
Parenting wouldn't be complete without inner work - that path to truly understanding ourselves. Melisa's gatherings help guide you on this journey.

A Rich Festival Life
Celebrations are a wonderful way to walk through the year. These traditions help you mark the growth of your family, the inner stirrings of your soul and the change of the seasons.
While it is most fun when we can be in community for these celebrations (and we encourage you to be!) we will start you with a video diving into the festival and bringing you simple things you can do with your family during this time.

Our stewardship doesn't stop with conscious parenting and rich festivals, to live deeply into our guardianship, we must also take charge of their education. We have two education arms of Auriel's Light to assist in this task.
Seasons of Seven Virtual School is the first truly Steiner centered virtual school.
Waldorf Essentials is Steiner centered homeschool curriculum for parents that want full control over their child's education.
Wherever love and compassion are active in life, we can perceive the magic breath of the spirit blowing through the sense world. — Rudolf Steiner
Statement of Faith
Auriel’s Light is an inter-faith ministry with roots in Anthroposophy, honoring many paths.
We believe in a spiritual renewal and a relationship with the Divine, Source of all Love and Light.
We believe in spiritually nourishing children through the workings of the Divine as revealed in the seven years cycles of human development.
We believe that families can be guided to wholeness through the Divine’s unconditional love and transforming power.
We believe in building community, living in the seasons and celebrating together the spiritual rhythms of the year through a rich festival life.
We believe in an individual relationship with Divine Source and the personal seeking of esoteric truths in our lives.
Auriel’s Light holds sacred all the names of God, the Divine, Source, Holy Spirit and invites everyone to find the path to their spiritual home.
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Auriel's Light is a 508c1A non profit ministry serving parents all over the world. Our goal is to bring conscious parenting resources to families. Please consider a tax deductible donation. Your donation helps us with costs associated with Auriel's Light, including paying our team for working on these resources.
If our resources are helpful to your family, please consider a donation of support.