Celebrating a rich festival life


If you are new to festivals, then sit back and let us bring you a beautiful way to journey through the year. If you have been celebrating all along then we hope you will find something fun and refreshing here for you and your family.

At Auriel's Light we love nurturing parents as much as children, so take some time, grab a cup of tea and have some fun with us. 


Auriel's Light is a 508c1A non profit ministry serving parents all over the world. Our goal is to bring conscious parenting resources to families. Please consider a tax deductible donation. Your donation helps us with costs associated with Auriel's Light, including paying our team for working on these resources.

If our festival resources are helpful to your family, please consider a donation of support.


Celebrating Epiphany.

For a subtitled version of this video, click HERE.

Time stamps:
Welcome to Epiphany, Meditation 20:35, Star Affirmation Cards 26:53, Window Stars 34:30, Candle Supplies 44:09

While this indeed is a celebration of "revealing" there are other things to consider as well. Steiner discussed the esoteric truths that come through the Magi and their gifts, the meaning of the gifts and the ties to other ancient teachings. If you'd like links to some of his work on this topic, drop us a note.


Epiphany Festival Resource Guide

Celebrating Candlemas.

For a subtitled version of this video, click HERE.

Time stamps:
Welcome to Candlemas, Meditation 19:34, Candle Making 31:06, Dolls 32:02

This celebration is one of purification but also of water and fire. We discuss both the Christian perspective as well as the Pagan perspective. 

Want more resources? Check out the Seasons of Seven Candlemas page HERE.


Candlemas Festival Resource Guide

Celebrating the Spring Equinox.

For a subtitled version of this video, click HERE.

Time stamps:
Welcome to Spring Equinox, Meditation 15:03, Easter Grass 28:38, Fairy Mobile 30:00

Steiner Reference:
The Cycle of the Year

This celebration is one of new life, of spring overpowering winter, of HOPE and much more. 


Spring Equinox Festival Resource Guide

Celebrating Easter.

For a subtitled version of this video, click HERE.

Time stamps:
Welcome to Easter 
Meditation 10:30

Steiner Reference:
Festivals and Their Meaning (the Easter lectures begin with lecture 9)

Easter is a deeply Anthroposophical festival. Steiner was very direct about the significance of the festival. Of course with the children we are focusing on rebirth and the cycles of nature, explore our content guide for some fun projects! 


Easter Festival Resource Guide

May Day

Enjoy the beauty of spring. This month we have an audio for you with a few tidbits about May Day, Steiner's exercises and a meditation for JOY!

May Day Cultivating Joy
May Day Festival Resource Guide

Celebrating Summer Solstice & the Cycle of the Year.

For a subtitled version of this video, click HERE.

This is a great conversation with Bridgette Siepker, an amazing teacher from our school, Seasons of Seven Virtual School. Bridgette is heading to the Christian Community Seminary for training this year and she opened up to chat with me about Steiner's cycle of the year and celebrating as adults.

The festival guide covers the Summer Solstice.

Summer Solstice Festival Resource Guide

Celebrating Michaelmas

For a subtitled version of this video, click HERE.

Traditional Waldorf Verse

Brave Saint Michael is my guide,
As free and fearless forth I ride.
With courage of Saint George of old,
I dare to fight fierce dragons bold.

Waldorf Essentials Michaelmas Resources HERE.

Seasons of Seven Festival Planning Guide HERE.


Festival Guide Includes:
Lantern Gnomes
Waldorf Songs

Martinmas Festival Resource Guide

December Festivals

Saint Nicholas
Santa Lucia
Solstice (Summer or Winter)
Christmastide (12 days between Christmas and Three Kings/Epiphany)

December Festival Resource Guide

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